I'm trying to mentally get over the hump of having to get up and go to work today! It's so hard after you've had a fun filled weekend though! Which is definitely the case today! My weekend started Friday as SOON as I left work! I met with my work out friend, Kat! We went to Dos Reales-probably my favorite Mexican restaurants! If you have never been, you should for sure try it! I love all Mexican food almost, but theres just something about THIS place that makes it even so much better! So good, I had to eat it again last night! lol. Saturday was a blast! I got up early and took my dog on a walk (I can't wake up early, hence the *walk* not *run*). And then I met up with my sisters mom and grandma and our friend Jamie and went to Clinton, IL. to a "Tea Room" called "La Tea Da" . If you ever have the chance to go, you should! It's a fun little place. It looks like an old house driving by, but inside is a cute little brunch type place and a shop upstairs. I tried a ravioli soup and had passion fruit tea! It was so good! I'm not sure what my obsession with passion fruit is lately, but I want everything in passion fruit flavor! I even went and bought one because I wasn't sure what they looked like or how to eat them. Saturday afternoon we rented wii games and had a cook out with all the kids! Yah, it's a little cold and we had to work at it to get the grill started, but in the end, it was a blast! I also got my "indoor garden" planted! It took forever! I planted thyme, 2 kinds of basil, cilantro, rosemary, asparagus... and I can't remember! I can't wait to have all these herbs to cook with! Excited to make salsa and guacamole! LOVE that stuff!!! And as always when my roommates kids are over, my night ended playing Mancala. It's so fun! A must play board game! Sunday was great! It seemed like it was a really long day! (normally my weekend seem to go by so fast!) Me and Mitch watched "How Do you Know" with Reese Witherspoon and Paul Rudd, and had coffee in bed! It was relaxing. I think I will start doing that every Sunday!! The movie was good. Looking back, I think they could have brought more of the title into the movie. She is kind of going back and forth between 2 guys, but any one who is trying to find out "How do you know", won't really get any good advice/help by watching that movie. But other than that, it was entertaining to watch! Ran errands the rest of the day..... I love the dollar store!! And ended with watching documentaries on Tsunami's and dogs (Both were very interesting!!) and ordering Mexican (DOS REALES!!!!) carry out!! Whew... and that was my weekend!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Awh! Just when I thought we were past all the cold weather.... I see the forecast and see that it's going to be down in the 20's tonight!? Whhhhhy??? I just started putting all my plants outside! (you will learn I have a great love for plants! It's almost an obsession! I can't stop buying them and regrowing them!) It's actually kind of neat. I have grown many many plants and give their new growths to friends, family... well anyone, a complete stranger! lol.
Speaking of my obsession of buying/growing plants... this is totally off subject of what I was going to write about today, but since it came up.... I actually bought some today!!! I bought passion flower seeds! They are one of the prettiest flowers I think I have ever seen! They have such brilliant colors. They have many different types of passion flowers in a variety of colors. Google it! I LOVE things that are bright and colorful. Makes me happy. Ironic, I don't believe 100% all the hype/talk about Zodiac signs, however I do believe that what time of year you were born has to do with your personality and what season you are most comfortable. My zodiac sign, Libra, states that flowers make us happy... so true, and I am most comfortable in fall season (I was born in October for those of you who don't know me or keep up with Zodiac signs).
I also bought artichokes today! Am I the only one that didn't know this was a "flowering plant"?! I love artichokes! I really wish I had a good artichoke soup recipe! If any one has one, please share! Anyway, they also produce a purple-ish colored flower (see pic). They say it will bud and flower the first year and then artichokes with "sprout" the second year. They grow the best in hot climates (east/west coasts). I love to take on a challenge so I am going to attempt to grow artichokes this year! I will let you know how that works out! Mitch and I bought a lot of herb seeds the other day, that I hope to get planted this weekend (indoors of course! grrr to the 20 degree weather!!!)! I can't wait! I really can't wait until I have my own house! I am positive before my house is decorated just the way I want inside my yard and garden will be set up!! I'm so glad I found someone who has the same love of growing plants and food as I do, and don't forget clothes and shopping! They say you don't realize what you need until it's gone... I think in my situation, I didn't realized what I needed until I found it! It's crazy to me to think that some one else loves clothes, shopping, food and plants like I do!!! I got off work last night, and stuck to my, trying to make it a life-style routine, and went right to the gym! Did my thing, showered and me and Mitch went to Ruby Tuesday! I haven't been there in awhile, but I was actually craving it yesterday because their salad bar is great! So when Mitch asked me, it was a definite yes! Enjoyed the salad bar and a *who knew* Pear Lavender martini!?! It was fan-tastic! It was almost like a Pear sauce (like apple sauce but not as thick) and then they added an Asian style Lavender tea bag. You dip your tea bag in the martini and it turns it purple! It was soo good! I tried to take a picture, but the lighting was low so it didn't show as good as I wanted, but you get the idea. Props to who ever came up with this idea/drink! Add it to my favorite list!
I have to mention American Idol!!!! Did I mention I LOVE that show!? (oh yah, Mitch watched that with me too!!! =) Last night, really shocked me!!!! Casey!?! They tried to say that Casey had the least amount of votes!? NOO WAY!! Is this a prank?? Have you heard this guy sing!?
He's amazing! There are people like Thia Megia that should be going home way before Casey!! He reminds me a lot of Ray Lamontagne! That deep kind of raspy voice! It's great! They had it down to the "bottom three", Thia, Casey and Stefano. They have it set up to call in/get online and vote for who you want to stay on... why can't we vote for who we want to LEAVE!? Haha. Thia is my vote! She has an ok voice but she doesn't belong on the top 10... just sayin! And poor Casey... he almost had a heart attack!!! When you are "kicked off" you get to sing one last time. He started singing and the judges stopped him and used their ONE "save card" on him! GOOD CALL! They said "we don't need to hear anymore, we know who you are, we know you can sing, you belong here!" YAH!
Well needless to say, it was an entertaining night on American Idol. I can't even think of who will end up leaving next week, but it better not be Casey!!
I have a really exciting weekend coming up! I can't wait!!!
Have you too, heard the saying, "The truth comes out when you're drinking"? Do you really believe that? Or is it "emotions come out when you're drinking?" or "I've been drinking so I can't control myself?".... I have to say I'm leaning more towards the latter. I don't think it's always the TRUTH that comes out, but a feeling that comes out, and a lot of times an overwhelming/intense feeling or emotion. Which some may argue that you can't argue with ones feelings as truth or not (which I can see that point as well), but that's a whole nother blog! For me, the truth comes out in the middle of the night! I'm still pondering and going to do some reading up about *Dreams*. I have always been a big dreamer.... awake and asleep! I have always wondered what they mean... I wonder where the dreams I have for my life came from? Where did that root from?? And I have also really been curious as to what my dreams while I am asleep mean.... or is there a meaning?? Is it just the last thing I thought about before falling into a deep sleep? Last night, for example, I fell into a deep sleep for quite some time and was woken several times through out the night. One time I think I was woke up by something (probably my dog kicking me b/c even though he is taking up most of the bed, thinks he needed to stretch out more!) and I was awake for an hour or more. I remember checking the time at 4:50am. I had been awake for some time at that point... and I think I fell asleep remotely soon after checking the time. Whatever dream I was having at the time that I was woke up, it was intense. I had a few dreams. I remember one of them-- I went skating this weekend and I broke my wrist some how.... and I called for help and no one could come. So I drove with my skates on, wrist broken to the ER, crying the whole way there. I was really mad at a few people for not coming to help me =( After I woke up, I was laying there for so long... and I just started thinking... my mind was racing... I was thinking of anything from all the things I wanted to get done today, to seeing my family this weekend to all the things I want to change/improve in my life to all the times/people that have disappointed me/let me down. It just made me want to get up and get a move on it and get it all done! I have a real issue with fighting off thinking so much in the middle of the night and going back to sleep. The days I don't succeed at that, are the longest days ever! I'm tired all day... and then I don't get as good of a work out... Even knowing that ahead of time, I *still* can't seem to stop my mind from flying and fall back asleep! HELP! Thanks to McDonald's coffee, today is going to be a good one even with the lack of sleep last night! Speaking of McDonald's coffee, I was doing some research the other day, b/c I am really making an effort to be healthier, lose some weight (please hold the comments), and tone up. I want to be in the best shape of my life in my 30's! So upon my research I found that the Fat Free Iced Latte with sugar free vanilla syrup in it, is only 40 calories!!! I'm stoked! So I got one on my way to work today... Score!!! It's my new favorite! I'm hoping that with my workout schedule and healthier eating to get in better shape! It's the simple things in life!
Pan seared savory garlic and pineapple chicken
w jasmine rice with orange essence
Last night I had a great night! (I was feeling horrible yesterday, but I was determined not to let that hold me back). I got off work and met my friend Kat at the gym (my dedicated work out buddy! Thanks!!!) and we did our cardio work out. I ran to meijer, was craving ice cream opted for frozen yogurt with organic frozen peaches! (SCORE, it's delicious!) I got to Mitch's house and he had dinner all made for me! He was putting it on the table as I was walking in! (*maybe* he CAN be on time!? a-mazed!!) It was JUST what I needed. Hit the spot, healthy and so freaking good! I've had pineapple chicken before, but this by far was the best I've ever had!!! Loved watching American Idol. For those of you that don't know me, I don't watch tv. I never really have growing up. I always thought it was a waste of time.. and I still kind of feel that way. I have too much energy to sit there and do nothing. Well I still stay true to that for the most part... but I'm a pretty big American Idol fan! I get upset if I miss it!!! (which I think has only happened ONCE this season). But last night was really good! I like so many of them for different reasons! I'm going to be surprised no matter who wins because they are all so good! He is one of my favorites! He is just... got it! Even if he were to be kicked off this week, he will still come out with a cd! And I don't like country, but I'll buy it!!!
Scotty Mccreery
After AI, I tried a new wine! Chocolate wine! Perfect idea, right!? It was so good! It taste like a mud slide or black russian! It was wonderful! Sent me off to bed feeling "just right"!
I titled my blog that today because this phrase has really stuck out to me the last few days. I was talking to a close friend aka "my GF" Tiffany, discussing how to accomplish still being the bigger person/taking the higher road, when dealing with the immature people in the world who try and create drama in other peoples lives because they are unhappy with their own.... or for whatever reason. Maybe they just thrive off the attention that's created so much, that they keep at it. It's so destructive. And what people like that don't realize is even though you think you are "winning" right now because of all the stress and drama you are causing other people, in the long hall you're the looser. You walk away empty handed and not gaining a thing.... but a few friends less because not only do the people you have directly effected but the people on the outside that see the truth don't like you/want anything to do with you either. My advice to these people is to step back. Really examine yourself and your life and really be real with yourself and get to the bottom of why it is you aren't happy. Why do you have such low self esteem you have to search and dig and cause others drama to get fulfillment?? Realize that if you are a good, honest and real person, have confidence, friends will happen on their own and you won't need to seek out attention. "Take the High Road". ----Dedicated to Tiffany Jane! =D
Here is a song that just happen to be playing as I was typing... it totally fits!
It's crazy how life goes! It always seems that whatever I am going through a friend is going through something similar. It really helps to have someone that understands, can relate and give advice. I'm thankful for those people in my life! It was ironic how my friend was going through something with people causing drama in her life... as I have been recently also. I by no means think I am better than anyone else. I'm just your average Joe... well... maybe "average joe" with a higher drive than most and definitely a ton more shoes! =), but I'm choosing to take the "higher road" and not let people that are of the "I like the created drama so I get the attention because I have no other way to get it" status effect me. This is not the way I want to live my life, dealing with these people, or wasting time I could be laughing and enjoying life, dealing with created drama. So heres a toast to that!
Like I said life has been a little rough the last couple of days or so, but on a brighter note... I got to go stay with my bff in Chicago for the weekend and watch them dye the river GREEN for St. Patty's Day!!! It was awesome!! I had never seen it before, so it was fun! It was freezing though from the wind coming off the lake, but worth freezing for! The Chicago police are on that boat.... drinking beer.... good to know our tax dollars get put to good use, right!? HA! I could write so much more, but I don't have all my pics downloaded, the time or the energy =( I just want to go have a beer and go to sleep!
Today is Wednesday.... It doesn't really feel like this week is half over already. It seems to be dragging on... Like it's only Tuesday! Maybe because I have been nonstop on the go! I always think how much more happy I would be and how much more I could accomplish if I had a few more hours after work every night to do ME! I've really made an effort to make changes in my life lately and make working out a part of my life, not just a temporary thing! I get off work at 6, get to the gym soon after, work out for an hour... by that time it's already a little after 7. Takes me 20mins to get home... shower... and wait, it's not healthy to eat after 7pm at night... so I'm screwed there! What can I do!?!? Last night I totally skipped out on working out =( Sucks, I know. It was Fat Tuesday though! Come on, you have to be a part of that! I met with my friend Katie and we went to this little nook in the wall named "Black Dog's!". It's delicious! I tried their "Mardi Gras" special! Jambalaya!! It was soo good! I tried a new beer. It was some type of Wit beer? It looked kind of like a pineapple juice in color. I'm not really a big beer drinker, but lately I have changed my taste buds apparently because the more I try, the more I like beer! My friend tried a DARK almost chocolate coffee beer! Sounds weird, I know, but it was actually pretty good! We enjoyed a girls night of chatting and catching up..... Happy Fat Tuesday to that! =) My heart is heavy today. I don't know why I feel the pressures of life.... of "getting older". I'm not bummed at all about turning 30 this year! When is "too early" to start the count down!? Ha! Really?! I'm actually really excited and ready to embrace my 30's and make my life all that I've dreamed of. I took my 20's as a time to find out who I was and live and learn. And hopefully I have learned enough to never be in a situation I have already been in and let the same results happen. I really want to be happy and feel like I accomplished more than the "average joe" has with their life. I have higher expectations for myself. I understand that comes with a lot of hard work, but I'm up for it! I have so many dreams; I'm wild at heart! Every day I think of something new I want to try in my 30's! Maybe I should be writing them down as they come to me! Recreate my "Bucket List"! I know I have mentioned it before, but I can't say enough how much that movie inspired me! If you haven't seen it, it's a must see!
I don't really have much to write/talk about today! I'm feelin good today, even though I didn't make it to the gym last night =(. I don't feel too bad about it because I know that I'm going to make it today and I got a lot accomplished last night! I would have felt better if I would have gotten some home work done too, but I'm still on that too! I'm thinking maybe I should set some actual goals for myself when it comes to that. Yah, I keep saying that I am going to be done this year, but I have nothing to really keep me on that track. They always say "If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail". I definitely don't want that!
Today is going by kind of fast, thank goodness because I don't feel so good and I need to hit the gym and get to bed early tonight! If I wasn't to determined to get in better shape, I would ditch out on the gym... but I can't! I have to keep on keepin on, to get the results I want! I worked out every day last week for about an hour and almost 2 hours the night of the IL game. It helps when you have something to watch. Considering I don't like to watch tv, that's hard to do! So I'm sure everyone is curious how Mardi Gras was!? My first thought is, it's kind of like a mini Vegas. The city was a mess! Haha. There were beads EVERYWHERE! All over the place, covering the streets, in the bars, in the trees!! Haha, it was crazy! I wish I would have taken more pictures. I have such a love for taking pictures. It was so cold out, we were power walking anywhere we went. We stayed at the Millennium hotel. It was craziness already when we pulled in. EVERYONE loved my dog (yes!!!! I took him to Mardi Gras!!! He had his own beads too LOL... pics to come...). They loved him so much we got "VIP" status because of him lol. Everyone had bracelets and "HAD to have them on"..... but we could walk on through! Ha. Love it! Wynsten on the other hand, didn't love it so much. At first he was excited that everyone was around and talking to him ect, but by the time Sunday came he was just too over whelmed. You could tell he was stressed. I walked out of the hotel room to take him outside and he literally freaked out and DRUG me back to the room!!! Haha. Poor dog!!! He was so happy to get home, he ran straight to my bed! Haha. One of my favorite parts about our trip was brunch the next day! It was amazing!!! All you can eat, city wide view, amazing food, all you can drink. I think I had 4 glasses in front of me!!! Just my style!! I felt so bad walking in there in my sweat pants and rain boots!! I missed the memo on dress code!! <thanks Mitch!!> But really, it was the perfect note to end our trip on before heading back to Champaign. I did get a lot of pictures from the top! (it's a rotating restaurant on the 30th floor of a hotel) I'll post pictures soon via FB. I will try and write more once I get all my pictures uploaded....
What do you know!? Right after I have a "winter hang over" day, it's nice out! It's supposed to be in the 50's today! That got me a little excited for Spring! I've been wanting to wear my new Guess heels (even though I've only had them for 3 days now!!!), today is perfect! I almost didn't go to work today I was feeling so good! Then I gave myself a reality check, and decided I need to go!! I should be thankful I have a job!! The heels made it a little easier to get out! Today I want to talk about "confidence". I think far too many people are unhappy and just settle for that, for an array of reasons.... from being comfortable to just not having the drive to change things in order to be happy. I'm here to tell you----LIFE IS TOO SHORT--- YOU deserve to be happy! I looked up the word "confidence" in the dictionary and here is what I found: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities, a feeling of trust (in someone or something), a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable, a trustful relationship. There are many more. I looked up several different sites to make sure I quoted the full meaning. I think many people often confuse the word "confident" with "arrogant". The word arrogant means having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride. Having confidence is believing in yourself and the things that you associate with. If you believe you are a good person, deserve to be treated well and you have a lot to offer you should have confidence. Not in a prideful, but in a humble way. Not to flaunt what you have or make others look bad, but to be assured in who you are and what you have in store for you/your life. If you don't like who you are, or the results you get because of who you are, you should seek out making changes in your life. You should never stop perusing and engaging in ways to change who you are and better your life. You should never settle. Always chase after and expect the best! If you settle for lesser things, you will never get or be the best. That's my soap box for today. It's so hard to see someone you care about (I've even felt this way about myself at times in my life) settling for something or someone when they deserve so much more. It's so easy to see from the outside, but when you are on the inside I guess you are blinded by the feeling you have involved in the situation. It's so hard, trust me, I know this!! Anyone that really knows me, knows of things I have been through!! Thank God that's over with! On another note, I am pumped for this weekend!MARDIGRAS!!!! I have never been to the one in St. Louis!! I'm really excited! We went and got our nails done for Mardi Gras!! Check em out!!
And for all of you wondering, yes, Wynsten is coming with!!! I'll take pictures with his Mardi Gras beads!! haha. Glad he's such a good sport!!!