Monday, November 14, 2011

Make it yourself!

      Ugh, it's Monday morning and it's pretty blah looking here in IL. I get a little confused if I live in Seattle or IL at times, it's always muggy and raining here lately! But as a friend reminded me today, It may be Monday and blah, but take it as a "fresh start". It's a new beginning! So on that note, here's to a new beginning Monday! 
      So I wanted to make some changes in my life and see how much money I can save in a set amount of time.... I'm debating on the time frame? 6 months? A year? I started searching through all the things that you buy on a regular basis and how you could save money on those items! One thing I thought of that I HATE buying is laundry soap! So let the searching begin how to make your own and save! 
     I'm stoked, not only is it cheaper but it last forever! Well based off doing about 10 loads a week, it lasts about 11 months! It's very strong and it only takes a tablespoon per load! 

      Here is the recipe I found:
1. 1 x 4lb box of Borax (sold at Walmart)
2. 1 x 4lb box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
3. 1 x 4lb box of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
4. 3 x bars of Fels-naptha soap (or 1-2 large bars of Zote soap!)
5. 2 x small containers of oxyclean (sold at the dollar store!)

1. Use a cheese grater and grate your soap just like you would cheese. You can use a food processor if you don't have a grater. 

2. Toss all of the ingredients into a 5 gallon bucket or box lined with a plastic garbage bag (this makes your house smell good too!)

*Once your laundry detergent is all mixed, store it however you like! I made this container and bought a measuring spoon from the dollar store! 

Super easy and money saving!

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